Every two months, a new online training module !
Emergency shelters and habitat
Shelter is a basic human need, essential for survival in environments exposed to natural hazards or conflict. When a disaster impacts a territory, the affected populations often face a disruption of their daily life and their points of reference. Reconstruction of damaged housing and public buildings is essential to overcome the effects of the disaster, ensure dignity and enable the population to return to daily life as soon as possible. Additionally, it is necessary to carry out risk reduction activities, including the “Build Back Better” approach.
As part of the response to the Batsirai and Emnati cyclones that severely hit Madagascar last February, PIROI was able to support the Malagasy Red Cross in the implementation of shelter and reconstruction activities. Over the past few weeks, various activities such as awareness-raising, coordination and reconstruction have been carried out in the most affected regions.
This e-mini-learning course provides an introduction to shelter management and coordination within an emergency response operation through an online course designed by InterAction (an alliance of NGOs and international partners) with the support of USAID (US Agency for International Development). It is designed for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of shelter programming and coordination. This e-mini-learning has been designed by a student of the Master’s degree “Risks and Environment” in which PIROI participates as a partner of the University of La Reunion.
Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements
Languages : English, French
• Define shelter and settlements sector terminology ;
• Identify global settlements trends affecting humanitarian shelter assistance ; • Understand the concept of ‘Shelter is more than just four walls and a roof’ ;
• Identify various types of interventions in the shelter sector ;
• Explain the important impacts of shelter on other sectors ;
• Apply concepts and techniques for linking shelter to long-term recovery and reconstruction.
Accessibility : Disaster Ready platform, free registration.
IFRC shelter kit (manual) :
The purpose of IFRC’s shelter kit is to explore the ways to complement the structural elements and other materials procured by disaster-affected households in order to establish safe and adequate protection.
“Shelter / construction” website developed by the Technical expertise department of the French Red Cross :
The online platform gathers many tools and guidelines on shelter and reconstruction, as well as links to cross-cutting themes such as gender, inclusion, environment, or health. (Resources in French and English).
Shelter Safety Handbook (manual) :
This handbook provides basic information on safe construction practices. It aims to provide guidance on housing planning choices in at-risk environments, as well as construction techniques to improve individual shelters.
• Methodology guide – How to implement shelter projects : this methodological guide produced by the NGO ‘Handicap International’ on emergency shelter aims to present the key stages of project management with a focus on inclusive approaches while providing practical tools. (Only in French).
1 rue de la Croix-Rouge ZAC de La Mare