Disaster risk awareness and education strategy is defined throughout the project cycle. Upstream, it is key to define priorities and reasons for action, including through needs analyses. Understanding disaster risk is an essential preliminary step to implementing a disaster risk awareness and education project.
See the corresponding tools
TOOL 1 – Pre-Project Checklist – Implementing a DRR project and tools
(PIROI, Reunion Island)
Objective: To provide an overview of the methodology for disaster risk awareness and education projects. The checklist will direct DRR actors to relevant sections of the methodology guide or toolkit.
Description: The checklist includes the following sections:
Point of caution : Non-exhaustive list, may be completed later |
Added value of the tool : Facilitates navigation through the methodological guide and the toolkit. Quick to use and covers all major steps. |
TOOL 2 – Template SWOT Analysis
(PIROI, Reunion Island)
Objective: Identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) of a project, to cross-reference the internal elements of the project with the characteristics of the external environment and context in which it operates.
Description: Analysis useful to identify the strengths and weaknesses of potential outreach projects upstream. Added-value of the tool : Visual tool, intended for a preliminary analysis. Point of caution : Non-exhaustive list, do not hesitate to think outside the box |
Tool 1 – Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment
(International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC)
Objective: To improve the resilience of communities through a participatory process of assessing and analysing the risks to which they are exposed and finding appropriate solutions.
The guide includes the following tools:
Added value of the tool: Detailed guide, including links to further information and tools for collection and analysis Point of caution: Lack of concrete examples |
To go further…
TOOL 2 – Handbook: Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA)
(CARE International)
Objective: To support practitioners in analysing vulnerability and adaptive capacity at the community level
TOOL 3 – Child-Centred Multi-Risk Assessments Field guide and Tools Kit
(Plan international)
Objective: To gain a comprehensive understanding of the multiple risks present in a child’s environment, including pre-existing risks and new risks that emerge during and after crisis situations, such as natural hazards, conflict and violence, and their impact on children’s rights.