Malagasy Red Cross Society

Information about the National Society
Founded: 1915
Recognised by the RC/RC Movement: 1963
Members: 30 000
Volunteers: 14 300
Salaried employees: 64
The national headquarters of the Malagasy Red Cross is in Antananarivo. The 22 branches are located in the country’s 22 provincial capitals. In 2013 two humanitarian supply warehouses were built at Toamasina, in the region of Atsinanana, and Antananarivo.
The Malagasy Red Cross helps Madagascar’s most needy in four key areas for action:
- First aid: Leader in first aid training for the general public, the Malagasy Red Cross also sets the standard for professional first aid training.
- Organizational development : Malagasy Red-Cross also organizes training provide its governances a know-how and tools to develop their local branches, to have a realistic strategic plan, in order to contribute significantly to supporting the most vulnerable.
- Community health:
- Fight against tuberculosis
- Fight against malaria
- Reproductive health and psycho-social support
- SAMAR II project: community health and boating safety
- Disaster risk management (DRM):
- Disaster risk reduction
- Emergency operations
- Reconstruction and rehabilitation
- Training a national disaster response team (NDRT)
- Promoting humanitarian values and principles:
With a long history of humanitarian law, Malagasy Red Cross ensures its protection and dissemination in the political and legal world, as well as to the general public.
Priorities for the Malagasy Red Cross in the next period (2015-2020)
- trengthening preparedness and emergency response capacities
- Developing Disaster Risk Reduction and adaptation to climate change activities, focusing on resilience
- Promotinge Community Health
- Promoting social inclusion
- Strengthening the Malagasy Red Cross branches
- Investing in human resources: volunteers and members
- Join in a process of accountability to beneficiaries and donors.
Contact information
Address :1, rue Patrice Lumumba – Tsaralalàna
B.P 1168 Antananarivo 101
Phone : +261 34 14 221 11
E-Mail :