Tanzania Red Cross Society


Information about the National Society

Founded: 1962
Recognised by RC/RC Movement: 1963
Members/volunteers: 12 000


Disaster preparedness and response

Refugee Relief Operation (RRO)
TRCS is involved in care and maintenance program for approximately 100,000 refugees from DRC and Burundi where comprehensive health care, water and sanitation services are provided. This program is implemented in Western Tanzania – Kigoma region. The main activities include provision of comprehensive health services (preventive and curative services), reproductive health services, nutrition services, HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing, Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission) services and clean water supply and sanitation services.

Disaster Preparedness
Disaster preparedness programs are implemented in Dar Es Salaam, Zanzibar, Tanga and Mtwara. The activities aim at capacity building of TRCS volunteers/staff/branches and that of communities living along the coast to enable them prepare to respond to various disasters and emergency situations.
Main activities include conducting First Aid/Disaster Preparedness and Response trainings, Water/Beach safety trainings, community sensitization about disaster management and risk reduction, supporting establishment of community based early warning systems and branch capacity building.

Response to disasters/emergencies
Tanzania Red Cross Society also responds to various disasters and emergency situations such as floods, drought, earthquakes, and accidents.

The Tanzanian Red Cross Society conducts immunisation campaigns specifically aimed at children, as well as sexually transmitted disease prevention campaigns.

Water and sanitation
Initiatives have been launched to clean up and secure the water networks for many households.

Youth work
First aid training courses are organised. The Tanzanian Red Cross Society also raises awareness about the RC/RC Movement, as well as the values it promotes.

Organizational development

Contact information

Address :Old Bagamoyo/Coca Cola Road, Mikocheni,
P.O Box 1133 – Dar Es Salaam
Phone  :+255 22 2600473
Fax :+255 22 2600473
E-Mail  : info@trcs.or.tz


Tanzania Red Cross Society

