PIROI’s anniversary photo competition is here! From 1st August until 1st October 2020, participants can enter by sending their photos to piroi.assist-com@croix-rouge.fr.

The theme of this year’s contest is “PIROI: 20 years of cooperation”.

Photo contest poster



PIROI was founded on 2 April 2000, and to celebrate its twentieth anniversary the platform is holding a photo contest open to all members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Participants can interpret the theme as they see fit: realistically, humorously, poetically, etc.

This is a unique chance to share your perspective on the people and projects depicting “PIROI: 20 years of cooperation”.


Aim of the contest

L’objectif du concours de la PIROI est multiple :

  • Favoriser les échanges au sein du réseau des membres de la PIROI ;
  • Exposer les photos sélectionnées et ainsi mettre en valeur les talents personnels ;
  • Illustrer les supports de communication de la PIROI.


Canon Réunion and Sud Diazo, partners of PIROI

Our competition partners, CBL Réunion and Sud Diazo will reward the winners with prizes !


How can I participate?

The contest is open to all International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement members, with the aim of highlighting cooperation undertaken by PIROI and its member partners over the past two decades.

To find out more about the competition, you can download the terms and conditions, rules and regulations, inscription form, appendices, and presentation poster.

All photos should be sent to piroi.assist-com@croix-rouge.fr by 1st October 2020 at the latest.