National Societies

In coordination with the IFRC, PIROI is working with Indian Ocean National Societies to implement projects in response to the epidemic.

Activities being carried out by Comoros Red Crescent (CoRC):

  • Training: trainer training on epidemiological surveillance and patient triage, safety and response measures and actions to combat COVID-19, waste management, etc.
  • Awareness-raising / Risk Communication and Community Engagement: raising awareness for health workers, mobile community awareness roadshow.
  • Food aid: distribution of food kits
  • Hygiene promotion: setting up hand-washing points in certain strategic parts of the island, disinfection of mosques and marketplaces
  • Helping healthcare workers and health authorities: isolation site set up at the hospital (patient circuit, staff clothing, disinfection of premises, application of protection measures and employee training, installation of tents and buckets for hand washing).
  • Management of human remains


FRC in the Comoros is helping CoRC with COVID-related actions:

Technical, logistics and material support: providing vehicles, personnel, and assessment systems; prepositioning of personal protective equipment (PPE); drafting a plan of action, etc.


Activities being carried out by Malagasy Red Cross (MRC):

  • Training of volunteers in response mechanisms and management of mortal remains
  • Awareness raising / Risk Communication and Community Engagement: media campaigns (radio and TV), communication on social networks, poster design, setting up a complaints and feedback management system
  • Hygiene promotion through implementation of hand-washing facilities in public places and disinfection of busy thoroughfares
  • Community-based monitoring and contact tracing: local monitoring committees trained in COVID-19, case detection, isolation procedures and information reporting
  • Supporting medical personnel and health authorities: providing equipment for home healthcare (ambulances, medication), logistical support for patient triage, etc
  • Food aid and CASH transfer : assistance for 2,250 vulnerable households
  • Human remains management : assistance in managing safe burials for COVID-19 deaths thanks to a team of trained volunteers

Activities being carried out by Mauritius Red Cross (MuRC):

  • Training of volunteers in protection measures, handling COVID-positive patients, proper use of PPE and psychological support
  • Awareness-raising / Risk Communication and Community Engagement: raising awareness at busy thoroughfares, posters, communication via social networks, sharing entertaining but educational resources
  • Setting up ‘The Red Cross is listening!‘ service to help the elderly and isolated during lockdown
  • Support for healthcare personnel and health authorities: provision of PPE and ambulances to transfer COVID-positive cases to isolation centres.
  • Psychosocial support centres, and provision of medication for the elderly and/or disabled.
  • Readiness plan for post-lockdown period:
    • Maintaining ongoing activities (psychological first aid, provision of ambulances, medical consultations)
    • Refocusing activities to assist the most vulnerable (people living in unhealthy housing and the elderly)
    • Ongoing awareness raising through various channels (face-to-face, social networks, etc.)
    • In Rodrigues: volunteer training, awareness raising for inhabitants, updating of the contingency plan

Activities being carried out by Seychelles Red Cross (RCSS):

  • Training in psychological first aid for RCSS volunteers and members of other local NGOs, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health
  • Awareness raising / Risk Communication and Community Engagement: Public communication and awareness raising via social networks, distribution of posters explaining protection measures
  • Support for the health authorities on contact tracing with the help of twenty or so volunteers
  • Provision of equipment for the government: PPE, camp beds, blankets, sheets, megaphone (enabling the police to communicate awareness messages)
  • Reception and distribution of all types of donations for vulnerable people and workers. A telephone number is available for handling donations. Distribution by RCSS of mattresses donated by the NGO Brother Dudes.
  • Food aid for the most vulnerable and the elderly in nursing homes

Activities being carried out by Tanzania Red Cross (TzRC):

  • Training:
    • 2,500 volunteers trained in 9 regions about RCCE, monitoring tools and contact tracing (in partnership with UNICEF)
    • 100 volunteers trained in community engagement and accountability (CEA)
  • Risk Communication and Community Engagement: public awareness raising about protection measures with the help of TRCS volunteers; printing and publication of COVID-19 outreach posters
  • In the Nyarugusu and Mtendeli refugee camps at Kigoma, TRCS is providing case management and contact tracing, as well as screening all entry points and raising public awareness by distributing posters translated into Kirundi

Activities being carried out by Mozambique Red Cross (CVM):

  • Training: prevention and control of the epidemic, psychosocial assistance, first aid and gender-based violence, informal sales in a COVID-19 context
  • Awareness-raising / Risk Communication and Community Engagement: posters and flyers with outreach messages, awareness raising for local populations and transport operators
  • Hygiene promotion: disinfections