The Global First Aid Reference Center (GFRC), hosted by the French Red Cross, in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, has launched a global first aid app accessible on all smartphones using Android and IOS operating systems.

This free and multilingual application aims to promote first aid knowledge in an emergency situation, so that you can react as quickly as possible and save lives. Road or everyday accidents, natural disasters, illness, etc. Many situations are listed in the application, with explanations and steps to follow to act in a matter of seconds and help the victim.

Download the application on your mobile


A simple and practical user experience:


Thanks to the application, users have instant access to the information they need to deal with the most common everyday emergencies, and to safety advice in crisis situations. To do so, they are guided, step by step, to become actors in their own safety, while waiting for help to arrive, whether in the event of an everyday accident or at the scene of a disaster.

Useful and tailored content

The application’s content is designed to respond to a variety of emergency situations :

■ first-aid topics (e.g. breathing difficulties, choking, burns, trauma, loss of consciousness, bites and stings, etc.);
■ diseases (e.g. respiratory infections, cholera, malaria, polio);
■ psychological first-aid themes (e.g. panic attacks, hyperventilation, verbal de-escalation, etc.,) ;
■ Safety tips, including water and road safety.


Good reasons to download the application

  • A personalized learning path;
  • The ability to assess an emergency situation live, with step-by-step instructions;
  • The ability to call local emergency numbers, whether at home or abroad;
  • Preloaded content that includes access to all information at all times, even without a cellular or WiFi connection;
  • The ability to send alert messages to users;
  • The ability to adapt the application to local contexts in terms of risk and accidentology, as well as cultural factors, in order to be most effective everywhere and for everyone.


So, are you ready to learn how to save lives?


Download the application on your mobile


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