South-west Indian Ocean countries are extremely vulnerable to the risk of epidemics due to the relative development levels of their healthcare infrastructure. These regions have been or are affected by numerous tropical diseases (dengue, chikungunya, malaria,...
To support COVID-19 response by south-west Indian Ocean National Societies, PIROI has sent a new shipment of 1,200,000 COVID-19 protection masks (surgical and cloth), 10,000 pairs of gloves, and 250 litres of sanitiser gel thanks to a donation from the French...
Since 2020 PIROI has partnered with the University of Reunion Island to establish and implement a Master’s degree in Risks and Environment at the University’s Le Tampon campus in the south. Following a successful first year, a new intake of students was accepted for...
Amongst the natural hazards that occur on the island of Mayotte, earth tremors and tsunamis are both major risks due to the presence of an underwater volcano 50 km east of Mayotte. In order to raise local awareness about what to do in the event of a disaster, PIROI...
Comme chaque année lors de la saison cyclonique, la PIROI se tient prête à intervenir si un pays de la région est impacté par un événement météorologique. En amont de l’ouverture de la saison cyclonique 2021-2022, de nombreuses actions de préparation aux...
During the 5th edition of the “Research Snapshot” webinar held by the French Red Cross Foundation, PIROI had the privilege of taking part in discussions with researchers in meteorology, anthropology, sociology, and psychology on the theme “Indian Ocean: a region of...