PIROI participates in the Cannes Conference

PIROI participates in the Cannes Conference

Changes to the climate have already started impacting human health, and the projections are alarming. Every country in the world, from north to south, is affected by this issue and must adapt, not least to protect their most vulnerable citizens. This is the context in...
Annual Disaster Risk Management (DRM) coordination meeting

Annual Disaster Risk Management (DRM) coordination meeting

PIROI’s annual Disaster Risk Management workshop was held in Saint-Denis on 9 and 10 April 2019. This year it provided an opportunity to review the activities carried out under the 2017-2020 programme. The meeting also gave the Secretary Generals and Risk Management...
La PIROI sensibilise contre la Dengue

La PIROI sensibilise contre la Dengue

A la mi-février, 7596 cas de Dengue avaient été recensés depuis le début de l’année 2018, dont 800 depuis début 2019. La circulation du virus se poursuit à un niveau soutenu partout à La Réunion. Pour éviter une accélération de la dynamique épidémique, la Préfecture a...