Nos Actualités
PIROI raises awareness in reunion about covid-19 and protective measures
With the festive season fast approaching, French Red Cross volunteers were out meeting the inhabitants of Reunion Island to raise awareness about COVID-19, protective measures, and risks posed by the social gatherings that are customary at this time of year. Ever...
Getting ready for cyclone season
Tropical storm Alicia heralded the start of cyclone season in the south-west Indian Ocean. As in previous years, PIROI is again active in assisting local populations and the region’s Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies with disaster preparedness. This year...
The Paré pas Paré project goes back to school!
Red Cross volunteers were at Piton St-Leu on 18 November for the Paré pas Paré project, raising children’s awareness about natural risks and COVID-19. Hot on the heels of the successful new outreach strategy that has been tailored to the current health crisis...
Saint-Louis is now flood-ready and familiar with COVID protective measures
On Saturday 14 November at Etang du Gol, Red Cross volunteers invited inhabitants of Saint-Louis to learn more about flooding and flood safety. As part of its Inondation, nout kartié lé paré (‘Our neighbourhood’s ready for flooding’) project, the Indian Ocean...
Les Saint-Louisiens sont parés aux inondations et connaissent les gestes barrières
Samedi 14 novembre, les bénévoles de la Croix-Rouge ont accueillis les habitants de la commune de Saint-Louis sur le site de l'Etang du Gol, pour leur apporter des éléments de connaissance sur les inondations et les moyens de s’en protéger. Dans le cadre du projet...
First steering committee for the Disaster Risk Management project in Mayotte & Union of the Comoros
On 20 October 2020, PIROI organised in Mamoudzou the first steering committee for its Disaster Risk Management (DRM) project in the Comoros archipelago. This annual forum is a valuable opportunity to share information and learn more about disaster risk management,...
Témoignage : Clélia GRABLI, coordinatrice de programmes à Mayotte
Clélia GRABLI, coordinatrice de programmes à Mayotte, à répondu à une interview, parue en octobre 2020 dans la Newsletter du Fonds Européen de Développement Régional de Coopération Territoriale Européenne (FEDER-CTE). *Le Fonds Européen de Développement...
PIROI reasserts its involvment in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
The United Nations General Assembly has designated October 13 as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. The aim is to promote a global culture of prevention, mitigation and preparedness. The intensification and increasing complexity of disasters -...
COVID-19 : l’adaptation comme maître-mot
Depuis le début de l’épidémie de la Covid-19, la PIROI adapte ses activités et son mode d’organisation, afin de se conformer aux recommandations gouvernementales et de remplir son objectif de réduire l’impact des catastrophes naturelles et sanitaires. Dès l’annonce...
New project to strengthen local disaster preparedness and response capacities
PIROI-member National Societies have received assistance with their disaster preparedness and response work for a number of years already. Until now most of this support has been provided at central level, with capacity-building focusing on Red Cross/Red Crescent head...
2020 marks PIROI’s 20th anniversary
On 2 April 2000, at a ceremony attended by the IFRC and ICRC, PIROI was officially created when the Saint-Denis Reunion Island Agreement was signed, bringing together the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies of the south-west Indian Ocean. Fast forward two...
Launch of PIROI’s photo contest: “20 years of cooperation”
PIROI’s anniversary photo competition is here! From 1st August until 1st October 2020, participants can enter by sending their photos to The theme of this year’s contest is “PIROI: 20 years of cooperation”. PIROI was...