Nos Actualités

EMINI LEARNING – Psychological First Aid

EMINI LEARNING – Psychological First Aid

Psychological first aid (PFA) is a simple, yet powerful way of helping someone in distress. It involves paying attention to the person’s reactions, active listening and if relevant, practical assistance to help address immediate problems and basic needs. Learning...

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  Le département Logistique de la PIROI apporte un appui opérationnel aux activités du programme régional de gestion des risques de catastrophes qui vise à réduire l’impact des catastrophes naturelles et sanitaires et les effets du changement climatiques sur les...

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Public health in emergencies training course

Public health in emergencies training course

Climate change poses a threat to public health, in particular because it leads to an increase in deaths and illnesses related to natural and health disasters*. This is why the French Red Cross’s Indian Ocean Regional Intervention Platform has now adapted its approach...

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2019-2020 cyclone season : preparing for floods

2019-2020 cyclone season : preparing for floods

In Reunion island, cyclone season is the time when there is a serious threat of floods. Loca’Terre's program « Risque inondation, ou lé paré? » looked into PIROI's ‘Behaviour to adopt in a flooded environment’ training course which was organised in octobre 2017, 2018...

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PIROI Partners’ Meeting

PIROI Partners’ Meeting

PIROI recently invited all of its programme members to review the past two years and define the goals for its upcoming programme. PIROI organised a meeting of all its partners on 29 and 30 October 2019 in Reunion Island. The Presidents and Secretaries-General of the...

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